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The Ronna McDaniel saga


Ronna McDaniel has been fired from her NBC News gig, after pretty much all of the network’s top on-air “talent” rose up and rebelled against the executives who hired her.

This is in itself very encouraging, but in my country there is a problem, as inadvertently revealed by this CNN opinion piece from earlier in the day, before McDaniel had been sent packing:

As so many of NBCU’s staffers have underscored, the objection to McDaniel is not that she is a Republican. It’s not even that she is a Donald Trump-supporting Republican. It’s that she was an active participant in the plot to overthrow the last presidential election. That is not to even mention McDaniel’s years of demonizing the press, smearing the journalists who work at NBC News and MSNBC as she sought to destroy the credibility of the organization that she ran to after being chased out of the RNC.

Ummm . . . in March of 2024, being a card-carrying Republican means by definition:

(1) Supporting Donald Trump.

(2) Supporting Trump’s claims that his attempts to overthrow the government three years ago were legitimate, as opposed to seditious.

(3) Trashing the entire mainstream American news media establishment, since that establishment has actually managed to overcome its normal temporizing tendencies, by declaring unambiguously that Trump’s claims about the 2020 election are lies, and that his illegal attempt to overthrow the government was exactly that.

In other words, the problem with Ronna McDaniel is precisely that she is a loyal member of Donald Trump’s Republican party, which for those not scoring at home is now exactly synonymous with the Republican party, period.

How this highly inconvenient fact can be fit into the standard establishment media framing of politics in these United States is, to put it as mildly as possible, a much bigger problem than the hiring and firing of Ronna McDaniel.

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