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Me and Mrs. Self-Owns


Thanks to commentarion littlegreen for pulling this xeet into the comments yesterday. I want to make sure the readers who skip the comments see McGarbles announcing that she is so bad at her job that editors at The Atlantic had to run around underneath her with a big safety net. Also, The Atlantic is pathetically willing to enable the very worst writers. And she did it to defend someone who claimed that being too embarrassed to name his favorite sandwich resulted in embarrassment. Or something.

Let me say right at the top, I know she wrote for The Atlantic. I know she wrote stories about drugs for the outlet. I also know that she could well be lying like a poorly-installed carpet about the fact check . But true or false, what a story.

Here are three things that she tacitly admits:

  1. She is such an infamous clusterfuck that her employers knew she needed an astounding level of oversight.
  2. The Atlantic is such a shit storm that it let her write feature-length articles, despite her established propensity for clusterfuckery.
  3. She doesn’t know how very bad someone having to perform a line-by-line check of an article makes her look. Perhaps she thinks all of that attention is more proof of her specialness.

Of course, it is possible she doesn’t know how fact checking works. She seems to think The Atlantic subjects every article to – again – an astounding level of oversight. And that it is feasible to fact check an anecdote about an event that would have taken place some time in 2019 in which the only person identified by name is the person telling the story.

But I wish I could believe that someone tried to fact check the Snaptacular Chickengeddon tale, because that would have been a hilarious email. And a funnier phone call.

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