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Whatever the opposite of self-awareness is


Above: vacuous mediocrity in the Ivy Leagues

Here is a critique of Claudine Gay being made on social media:

She got her job not through merit, but because she checked a box. In this, she is not an outlier, but a representative of a system of education that rewards mediocrity. Our entire elite is like this. People who got their jobs because they checked boxes, not because they achieved something amazing or accomplished something meaningful. That is now the purpose of our elite universities, to give credentials that signal fake merit rather than rely on real excellence.

Without taking a position on whether this is an accurate description of Guy specifically, I would say there is some degree of merit to the general argument. Let’s check and see who wrote it:

Well, I can’t imagine anyone who is a batter illustration that “elite universities give credentials that signal fake merit rather than…real excellence” than Peter Thiel’s Yalie fake-Appalachian messenger boy!

Anyway, if Claudine Gay lacks sufficient scholarly credentials to serve in higher education admin positions, is Vance ever going to be appalled by the kind of completely unqualified sub-sub-sub-medicrities who get hired when Chris Rufo is in charge!

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