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Tired: The Kennedy failson Wired: Whoever that guy is who is nominally running against Biden


Look, you might think this is a bunch of clueless tech bros — one of whom is currently teaching a masterclass in the Streisand Effect — setting money on fire in their futile ongoing campaign to undermine Biden and help Trump’s re-eleciton campaign. But have you considered that they have an AI version of Dean Whoever? AI! It’s magic!

Stopping New Hampshire voters on the sidewalk, refilling their coffee mugs at diners and repeating his stump speech, long-shot presidential candidate Dean Phillips — the real one — explains why he thinks Democrats shouldn’t renominate President Biden: The leader of his party has lost the confidence of a majority of the electorate.

A just-released artificial intelligence bot version of Phillips offers a similar answer: “While I respect President Biden, the data and conversations with Americans across the country indicates a strong desire for change.”

A new super PAC backed by Silicon Valley insiders is mobilizing to spread Phillips’s ideas in an unusual way. This week, they launched Dean.Bot after weighing the implications of using a sophisticated AI tool that can chat like a real person — one of the first known uses of artificial intelligence in a political campaign.

The techies behind the bot are getting help from activist hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman, who has described the fight as protecting Democrats from nominating a candidate who can’t win. The PAC has already raised $4 million to target New Hampshire voters with short confessional-style videos — targeted social media ads featuring Phillips and supporters making his case.

That’s it, Biden might as well drop out now — he’s no match for this kind of brainpower and political acuity.

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