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Dissension in the Teamsters


As I mentioned recently, Teamsters president Sean O’Brien decided to play footsie with Donald Trump and do a high profile meet and greet with him. What on earth is he trying to do here? Some defended his move. Maybe there is some strategy here, but Donald Trump is such a scumbag that there can be no meeting with him. Part of a union’s job needs to be political education. But rather than do that, unions cuddle up to the racists to give their members some room to say that it’s OK. It’s just gross.

Well, our commenter Solid Citizen, an IBT member himself, sent me this letter spreading through the Teamsters channels. Teamsters VP John Palmer is extremely unhappy with O’Brien and he is making it publicly known.

You don’t see this kind of dissension in a union happen real often. And I will note this–no one in the Teamsters makes a remark about organized crime figures lightly. I don’t know what will happen here, but this is an issue worth following. And good for Palmer for standing up to the bullshit in the Teamsters.

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