Things Don’t Change Much in the South

Good ol’Louisiana…..
There is some nonsense going on in Caddo Parish (Shreveport), Louisiana.
Black man and white man run against each other for sheriff. Black man wins by 1 vote. He's the first Black sheriff elected in this majority-Black parish.
There's a recount, as you'd expect. He wins that…
— Joshua Benton (@jbenton) December 12, 2023
You got to read that whole thing. The short version, if for some reason you can’t, is that a Black Democrat defeated a white Republican by 1 vote in a Louisiana sheriff race. A right-wing judge decided to void the election based upon “voter fraud” of some unknown kind that clearly meant “Black people voted and won.” So the Black candidate appealed it in the courts and now the state courts, not surprisingly, are going along with this farce.
Is it 1890? Yeah, more or less, in that this is another period of American history when Black people gained some rights and now right-wing whites will do literally anything to return the nation back to a strict white supremacy. This is the state of the Colfax Massacre after all. Surprised it’s not the same parish….