Pop-Tarts Bowl
Last night I happened upon Kansas State and North Carolina State playing in the Pop-Tarts Bowl, which now sits within the inner circle of elite corporate sponsored bowl games;
And now watch the victors feast upon the body of the mascot, as was the tradition in ancient times:
I hope that there’s some transubstantiation involved.
Anyway, here’s the current LGM Bowl Mania leaderboard:
1 BaronBrock’s Picks 1Brock Stevens 22-7 774 466 99.8 2 Coug-VandalCorey Crowley-Hall 20-9 715 426 99.3 3 daybaron1’s Picks 1RANDY NORMAND 16-13 687 421 99.1 4 nacorwin’s Picks 1NATHAN CORWIN 16-13 725 391 97.4 5 Eric K confidenceEric Killian 16-13 663 377 95.7 6 RiseandFalloftheNCAADrew H. 16-13 653 363 93.1 7 Phormio AsopiusPaul Klos 17-12 713 347 88.5 8 Expecting 0 for 43Mitch lerner 15-14 648 343 87.1 9 sasnakAdam Mansfield 18-11 696 341 86.5 10 ESPNFAN65654838’s Picks 1Ryan Emery 18-11 777 339 85.8