Basic Human Decency? From an Ohio Republican?
I assume this happened in part because he’s term limited and doesn’t have to face Republican primary voters again, but still credit where credit is due:
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine struck down a bill that would have banned gender-affirming care for minors, breaking from fellow Republican governors’ precedent and preserving such care for residents beyond his state as well, because families of transgender youths who live in states with bans have been traveling to Ohio for treatment.
Republicans, who have a supermajority in the legislature, could override DeWine’s veto and might push back.
“This bill would impact a very small number of Ohio’s children. But for those children who face gender dysphoria, the consequences of this bill could not be more profound. Ultimately I believe this is about protecting human life,” DeWine said Friday during a news conference announcing the decision. “Many parents have told me that their child would not have survived, would be dead today, if they had not received the treatment they received from one of Ohio’s children’s hospitals.”
The second paragraph is ominous, but forcing the legislature’s hand and hoping a supermajority doesn’t materialize is certainly better than the alternative.