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Same as the old boss


It seems to me we’ve heard this story before:

Speaker Mike Johnson was forced on Tuesday to rely on Democratic votes as the House passed legislation to keep federal funding flowing into early 2024, after scores of Republicans opposed his plan to avert a government shutdown at the end of the week.

Almost all Democrats and a majority of Republicans overcame the opposition of G.O.P. conservatives to approve the bill under special expedited procedures that required a supermajority. That approach, hatched by Mr. Johnson in his first weeks as speaker, amounted to a gamble that a substantial number of Democrats would rally to help pass a package that Mr. Johnson’s own members were unwilling to back.

The vote was 336 to 95, easily clearing the two-thirds threshold required for passage. In the end, 209 Democrats and 127 Republicans joined to pass the bill. Ninety-three Republicans opposed it, as did two Democrats.

The final tally vividly reflected a dynamic that dogged both Mr. Johnson and his predecessor, Speaker Kevin McCarthy: The House G.O.P. lacks the political will to keep the government funded, forcing its leaders, operating with only a tiny majority, to rely on Democratic votes to do so or face the political backlash for a shutdown.

As Megan McArdle has observed, Democrats by not saving Kevin McCarthy really made a huge blunder — without McCarthy Republicans probably won’t be able to get the votes from their own conference to fund the government and will need to rely on votes from the Adult Party! A true sea change in American politics here.

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