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Republicans will simply not accept states where women as treated as equal citizens


Yesterday’s vote in Ohio was a triumph of both democracy and liberty, and Republicans are really upset:

Former Senator Rick Santorum complained that the major election losses Republicans suffered are actually a sign of how “pure democracies” are a bad form of government.

Republicans faced devastating losses on Tuesday, as voters in Ohio overwhelmingly chose to legalize marijuana and enshrine abortion rights in the state Constitution. In Virginia, Democrats flipped the state House of Representatives, taking control of the entire legislature. While abortion was not explicitly on the ballot, the future of reproductive rights in Virginia hinged on which party controlled the government.

“You put very sexy things like abortion and marijuana on the ballot, and a lot of young people come out and vote. It was a secret sauce for disaster in Ohio,” Santorum whined Tuesday night on Newsmax.

“Sexy.” Can’t believe that opponents of abortion rights aren’t winning more hearts and minds! I hope Biden’s campaign team is taking careful notes on what happened yesterday in Ohio and Virginia.

You will be shocked to learn that the Republican commitment to STATES RIGHTS might not withstand states disagreeing with them on important policy issues:

Since I’m not in a generous mood, here’s some misty-colored memories:

Somewhat paradoxically, the way to make abortion less contentious is to throw the matter back to the states so that people can argue about it. Debating the difficult decisions regarding gestational age and circumstances would force people to confront the hard questions that abortion entails, which tends to have a moderating effect on extreme opinions.

Returning the matter to the states would give most people a law they can live with, defusing the rage that permeates politics and has more than once culminated in acts of terrorism against doctors who perform abortions.

The idea that opponents of abortion rights would accept a large number of pro-choice states is no less ridiculous that the idea that overruling Roe would make the politics of abortion less contentious, but a lot of pundits are paid six figure salaries to specifically not understand things like this. I’m sure we’re due for another round “durr, Republicans just want American abortion law to be like France, durr” any day now.

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