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Are my methods unsound?


After a profanity-laden meeting, Gym Jordan and the fash-friendly faction of the party that he leads got the conference to back away from temporarily empowering McHenry and go with the “try to cram Gym Jordan right down their throats and hope it works better this time” approach:

In a day of whiplash and uncertainty on Capitol Hill, Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio said Thursday he would push ahead with another vote to become speaker even in the face of a growing bloc of Republican opposition.

Just hours after the hard-right Republican said he would put aside his candidacy for the moment and support elevating the interim speaker, Representative Patrick T. McHenry of North Carolina, to temporarily lead the House, Mr. Jordan reversed course yet again and said he would move forward with his bid to win the post.

His decision came after a furious backlash from rank-and-file Republicans including many of his far-right supporters, who said empowering Mr. McHenry — a stand-in appointed to his post after the ouster of then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy — would effectively cede control of the House floor to Democrats and set a bad precedent.

It was the latest abrupt turn in a Republican speaker drama that has played out for more than two weeks, underscoring the depth of the party’s divisions and disarray. Unable to unite behind a candidate to lead them, the G.O.P. is now unable even to agree on a temporary solution to allow the paralyzed House to function while they sort out their differences.

After falling short in two consecutive votes for speaker, Mr. Jordan, the hard-line co-founder of the House Freedom Caucus and a favorite of former President Donald J. Trump, had told members during a closed-door meeting on Thursday morning that he did not plan to force a third vote right away. His candidacy has run headlong into opposition from a bloc of mainstream G.O.P. holdouts, and he appeared to be losing more ground with each vote.


The idea was met with intense backlash during a raucous closed-door meeting of House Republicans with several members emerging and declaring the proposal dead on arrival. Some members waived pocket-sized copies of the U.S. Constitution and suggested the plan violated the country’s founding principles.

I don’t suppose a reporter is going to ask what, specifically, is unconstitutional about temporarily increasing the power of the Speaker pro tempore? At any rate, great that the adults are finally back in charge.

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