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The 19 defendants charged in the Georgia case, according to the indictment

Donald Trump, former US president

Rudy Giuliani, Trump lawyer

Mark Meadows, White House chief of staff

John Eastman, Trump lawyer

Kenneth Chesebro, pro-Trump lawyer

Jeffrey Clark, top Justice Department official

Jenna Ellis, Trump campaign lawyer

Robert Cheeley, lawyer who promoted fraud claims

Mike Roman, Trump campaign official

David Shafer, Georgia GOP chair and fake elector

Shawn Still, fake GOP elector

Stephen Lee, pastor tied to intimidation of election workers

Harrison Floyd, leader of Black Voices for Trump

Trevian Kutti, publicist tied to intimidation of election workers

Sidney Powell, Trump campaign lawyer

Cathy Latham, fake GOP elector tied to Coffee County breach

Scott Hall, tied to Coffee County election system breach

Misty Hampton, Coffee County elections supervisor

Ray Smith, Trump campaign attorney

All 19 defendants in the Georgia 2020 election subversion case are facing racketeering charges, according to an indictment handed up Monday.  

CNN previously reported that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis had been weighing bringing charges under RICO — the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act — as part of her investigation into efforts by Donald Trump and allies to overturn Georgia’s 2020 election result.  

The indictment includes a more than three dozen different charges for the 19 defendants, but the thread that connects all the individuals is that they’ve been charged under RICO.  

The most amazing thing about all this is that MOST OF IT HAPPENED MORE OR LESS OUT IN THE OPEN.

That Trump tried to do everything he could to rig the Georgia election was perfectly well known two and half years ago.

For a long time, it appeared that nothing was going to be done about this. Now that Trump is beginning to be treated as the career criminal he’s always been, the shock to the American political system is going to be extreme.

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