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Trump supporter has Trumpian attitude toward paying taxes


The guy who will spend the next 15 months doing an extremely unconvincing leftier-than-thou impression while running a Republican-funded ratfucking campaign is even less public-spirited than you would think:

Presidential candidate Cornel West, who has spent most of his career advocating for higher taxes on the wealthy, owes the IRS more than half a million dollars in unpaid taxes.

Throughout his decades in the public eye, West, who is an academic at elite institutions and a bestselling author, has blasted the concentration of wealth at the top of U.S. society. Since announcing his run for president, first on the People’s Party ticket and currently on the Green Party’s, he has argued that taxes on the wealthiest Americans need to be “higher, much higher.”

But West hasn’t been putting his money where his mouth is—literally. An investigation by The Daily Beast, published Thursday, found that West owes $543,778.78 in unpaid taxes. The Beast cited tax filings in Mercer County, New Jersey, where West owns a house in the town of Princeton, and in Los Angeles, where West’s personal attorney is.

The IRS has filed liens against West for the years 2005, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017, when he failed to pay anywhere from more than $62,000 to nearly $137,000 in taxes. The liens, or federal claims against property for unpaid debts, are all still open.

You might be tempted to conclude that this means his “presidential campaign” is just a pure grift. I don’t think that would be right — I think he sincerely wants Trump to win, and thinking the law shouldn’t apply to him is a logical outgrowth of that.

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