Mike Pence: we need more executions to provide a deterrence to mass murder-suicides
No, really:
This is Pence’s response to the mass shooting in Jacksonville. The one in which the shooter killed himself.
Because if there’s one thing sure to deter suicidal mass shooters, it’s the fear of death. https://t.co/HHWgR7rUwu— Radley Balko (@radleybalko) August 29, 2023
Since Republican politics in 2023 means making an ex ante decision to ignore that the obvious way of reducing firearm violence is to make it a lot harder to own firearms, the only question is which particular path of illogic will be chosen.
I do think, however, that the rash of arbitrary executions at the end of the Trump administration remains somewhat under-discussed. One of Trump’s most prominent entries into public life was to demand the execution of five innocent men, and the next Republican president may well up the ante.
In related news, it’s very hard to see Alabama’s latest experiment in torture killings ending well.