The real problem
I know we’re all used to it by now — that’s a big part of what’s wrong with this country — but read Trump’s utterly unhinged reaction to his latest criminal indictment.
I pointed out in the summer of 2015 that Trump had a real chance of getting elected president, when this was considered by almost everyone to e a laughably absurd opinion.
So now I want to point out something that I was completely wrong about, which is that I really thought that if Trump was elected, and then his presidency inevitably revealed him to be profoundly unqualified in every way for the office, because of his almost bottomless ignorance, laziness, and almost indescribable personal corruption, some solid majority of the voting public — 70%? — would reject him going forward, ending his political career in. definitive way.
Spoiler alert: That didn’t happen.
Yesterday, when we discussed the NYT poll showing him tied with Biden, lots of people were insisting that polls this far out are meaningless, Biden is almost certainly going to win for this or that reason, etc. That may well be true but it’s somewhat beside the point.
The point is that this utter wreck and disgrace of a human being is going to be the Republican nominee for president, and there isn’t even any serious challenge to that happening, because one of America’s two major political parties belongs to this pscyhopath.
That is a sobering thought.