Home / General / Why do right wing critics never argue for the existence of crypto-right wing politicians?

Why do right wing critics never argue for the existence of crypto-right wing politicians?


Scott’s post below about the latest absurd rantings from Matt Stoller about how maybe Ron DeSantis is actually sympathetic to various left wing ideas if you just squint right brought the following question to my mind:

Are there any examples of this kind of thing from the other direction? Are there examples of a clearly left-wing — that is, within the very restricted sense in contemporary American politics in which a national political figure can be considered “left wing,” see, e.g., Bernie Sanders or Alexandra Ocasio Cortez — politician being championed by people on the right as actually sympathetic to various conservative/reactionary goals and policies?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen this. I’m NOT talking here about left wing critics complaining that Obama or Biden or Pelosi etc., are “secretly” conservatives, who are holding back progressive/left goals and policies. That’s a completely different thing, analogous to right wing ideologues whining about RINOs and the like.

Rather, what interests me are the dynamics whereby somebody like Donald Trump gets held up by various left or at least putatively left critics as an example of a kind of mass movement populism that has significant left-wing tendencies or sympathies. Keep in mind that as obviously absurd as that idea has always been, it was put forward constantly in 2016, when every diner in America was scoured for people with Democratic party demographics who were now voting for the Tribune of the People.

It seems to me that this formula never — literally never — gets reversed in American politics. No right wing observer ever suggests a left wing — or “left wing,” see above — American politician is harboring secret conservative/reactionary sympathies, that you can detect if you just look at his or her policies as a kind of ideological cryptogram, that can be decoded by those who understand the esoteric rather than exoteric doctrine. Now why is that?

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