Texas Education: None of the Reading, All of the Beating
Houston Independent School District will be eliminating librarian positions at 28 schools this upcoming year and utilizing some of the libraries as ‘Team Centers” where kids with behavioral issues will be sent, the district announced.
This comes as part of the new superintendent Mike Miles reform program, New Education System (NES). Currently, there are a total of 85 schools that have joined Miles’ program, and of those, 28 campuses will lose their librarians. The district said they will have the opportunity to transition to other roles within the district.
Mayor Sylvester Turner believes the move is unacceptable.
“You don’t close libraries in some of the schools in your most underserved communities, and you’re keeping libraries open in other schools,” said Turner.
“Our less fortunate students are the ones that suffer the most; primarily because many of them live in situations that are reading deserts. They don’t have access to the reading materials. They don’t have a choice in the reading materials that they are given to read,” said Newsum.
“Reform agenda.” Quite the reformer. Let’s use the library as mini-jails. Not sure what power the mayor has here since I assume he did not select said school superintendent. And yes, I know that these libraries won’t be used for physical punishment, but corporal punishment’s return has long been on the agenda of the type of conservatives that wants to turn libraries into Punishment Park.
Of course, it’s not as if anyone values libraries anymore. All a college library does is serve as a study hall/social hour place with old books no one reads as furniture in the background.