National Park Workers Save Their Union
I hate the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation more than I can express in words. These are just rich assholes trying to destroy unions throughout the country and of course they have endless money to do so. Thus, good on the National Park Service workers on the Blue Ridge Parkway to reject a NRW attempt to decertify their union.
The extreme, anti-union National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation (NRTWLDF) tried to bust our union, and they failed.
National Park Service (NPS) employees at Blue Ridge Parkway (BRP) in North Carolina voted to continue representation by AFGE, rejecting the special interest group’s many attempts to decertify the AFGE local and take away workers’ rights and protections.
AFGE Local 446 is happy with the result.
“AFGE Local 446, Local 446 NPS members, AFGE organizers and AFGE national representative worked hard and diligently to organize and educate the employees of NPS Blue Ridge Parkway to ensure they understood voting yes for union representation by AFGE Local 446 was the right choice for them,” said AFGE Local 446 President Christine Surrette.
“I’m relieved and I’m very excited,” said NPS employee James Jones, who is also Local 446 vice president for the BPR unit. “We can put to rest finally after almost three years of haggling with management and some folks who are anti-union that work here.”
The election was a result of a petition sponsored by NRTWLDF and filed at the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) Atlanta Regional Office as part of the special interest group’s efforts to bust unions in the public and private sectors across the country.
Every victory against this scum is worth noting.