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Gender Fascism


Speaking of the attempt to roll back gay rights, let’s go to Italy, where the spirit of Mussolini, especially in the cities of northern Italy, never died and has now roared back with a vengeance. Padua–not exactly a place where one could say the rise of neoliberalism or deindustrialization exactly destabilized a working class that made them particularly susceptible to far right politics–is now directly attacking families with two lesbian parents.

The northern Italian city of Paduahas started removing the names of non-biological gay mothers from their children’s birth certificates under new legislation passed by the “traditional family-first” government of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

These birth certificates belong to 33 children of Italian women who underwent artificial insemination abroad and then registered their children under the city’s center-left government, led by Sergio Giordani, in 2017.

The prosecutor’s office in Padua confirmed to CNN that, as of Thursday, 27 mothers had been removed from 27 birth certificates.

Giordani came to power promising to remove the traditional “mother” and “father” designations on birth certificates, but this was overturned when Meloni’s government ordered local authorities to stop registering the children of same-sex parents with both of their names.

The measure means that only the biological parent of a child can be named on a birth certificate.

Surrogacy is illegal in Italy, and gay marriage has not been legalized. Because same-sex relationships aren’t recognized in law, the non-biological parent has to make a special case for legally adopting their child.

The fact that same-sex marriage isn’t even legal in Italy is outrageous enough.

In any case, Mussolini nods in approval from Hell.

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