Cyberbullying at the University of Chicago

This story about the practical limits of the University of Chicago’s free speech policy, which that institution has spent the last several years preening itself about as an example of just how anti-woke it is, features this quote:
Mary Anne Franks, a University of Miami law professor who studies civil rights and technology, said that universities should pay more attention to the intimidation of faculty members.
Cyberbullying “is much more intentional, vicious and threatening to a person than someone shouting unpleasant things to a person during a talk,” she said, adding that Mr. Schmidt’s behavior “was very much calculated to generate exactly the reaction that it did.”
That in turn reminded me of an incident involving Mary Anne Franks, egregious cyberbullying, and, among others, a certain Distinguished Professor at the University of Chicago, that I blogged about a few years back, although I left the names of all the guilty parties out of it, as well as that of Franks, the only innocent party in the whole sordid mess.
But I’m now toying with the idea of reprinting that post with all the names and institutions revealed. For the benefit of Free Speech, don’t you know. Especially at the University of Chicago.
. . . Here’s the original post referenced above, now with identifying information regarding the individuals and institutions involved.