It’s like rain on the top secret documents you show to random guests at your tacky golf club

In and of itself, pointing out that Republicans are hypocrites for making the central argument of their 2016 campaign that failing to comply with information security best practices should be considered a major federal offense and then declaring Donald Trump’s actually criminal misappropriation of classified documents and subsequent obstruction of justice a non-entity won’t get you anywhere. But when you give your own cynical bullshit the force of law, that’s another story:— @[email protected] (@TVHilton) August 10, 2022
Now that’s hoisting your capo on his own petard! “”No, no, we were trying to institute an ex post facto punishment for things we imagine that Hillary Clinton did! This was never meant to apply to Republicans who use top secret war plans as bathroom reading material!”
In this Ohio diner, it was a tradition: a few Diet Cokes, some well-done steak with ketchup, then pull out the nuclear secrets and show them to Kid Rock. But now the woke mob is taking all of that away.— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 10, 2023