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How are our Trump dead-enders doing?


As has been observed in this space, when the ex-president you desperately hoped would be re-elected engages in this kind of self-incrimination, it presents a serious problem:

But speaking of characters from Adam McKay comedies, and my apologies to the relative intellectual prowess of Brick Tamland, you can always try to come up with something that even Kevin McCarthy would be too embarrassed to say in public:

In ascending order of farcical idiocy:

  • Albertson’s brand Glenn: “it is highly suspicious when an indictment contains prosecutorial allegations that have not yet been proven in a court of law.”
  • Glenn: “Donald Trump is the 21st century Daniel Ellsberg.”
  • Somehow even dumber Glenn: “The FBI director who called Hillary Clinton a crook ten days before the election was in the tank for Hillary Clinton.”

I assume the next move involves complaining about why Hunter Biden not yet being prosecuted for having nude photos on his laptop or something.

This is all self-refuting, but one thing to add here is that it demonstrates how stupid Comey was to think that giving a statement while explaining why Clinton wasn’t prosecuted would help clarify the issues for the public. His actual argument was “nobody of any status has ever been prosecuted for doing what Clinton did and nor should they” — good explainer here — but the only actual message that got through was “extremely careless,” suggesting that the FBI let Clinton get away with a crime. Which is precisely why the policies he violated were there in the first place.

…we haven’t seen one of Glenn’s sockpuppets here since the TWITTER FILES and Durham report turned out to be a thimbleful of nothing, so Nobdy does a good imitation:

This is extremely embarrassing…


What the idiot Lemieux doesn’t realize is that Trump was engaging in the time honored whistleblower’s method of stealing a hodge podge of sensitive documents pertaining to a wide variety of things and hiding them in boxes in the bathroom of your resort so that random members can read them on the John.


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