Home / General / We won’t crater the world economy if you let us make a few million poor people slightly poorer

We won’t crater the world economy if you let us make a few million poor people slightly poorer


I mean that’s a pretty reasonable offer, if you think about it, and are also a Randian/Calvinist sociopath:

The fact that the social science research on this subject demonstrates unambiguously that work requirements for SNAP and Medicaid users don’t increase employment levels among the poor — and also save essentially no money — is a matter of indifference to the GOP ghouls who push this stuff, because this is all nothing but a cruel symbolic politics, not some sort of rational public policy choice.

I recommend people read books like this $2 A Day and Evicted to get a real sense of what the costs are of creating yet more bureaucratic barriers to poor people in this country getting any sort of government help. What very few Very Serious People are willing to admit is that what Republicans actually hate is not “waste, fraud, and abuse,” but the whole concept of transferring money from rich people to poor people, no matter how trivial those transfers are in terms of the actual economic circumstances of the rich, and how critical they are in terms of improving the economic circumstances of the poor.

Also, racism.

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