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Ron DeSantis to announce presidential bid in the next two weeks


The conventional wisdom among the LGM commentariat — a view which I have agreed with — is that DeSantis wasn’t going to run for president in 2024, unless some really drastic change happened over the next few months. Well that turns out to be quite wrong:

Once seen as ascending toward a presidential campaign with momentum in his favor, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis finds himself on the cusp of an announcement that many of his supporters wished was already behind him.

DeSantis is preparing to launch his White House bid before the end of the month, according to two sources with knowledge of the planning. His political operation is currently moving into a new headquarters in Tallahassee while a super PAC closely aligned with the Florida Republican builds out a national campaign from Atlanta. Next week, he will meet with top fundraisers in South Florida, where he is expected to signal to them that it’s time to start asking their wealthy friends for checks. . .

“He is looking for people not only aligned with him on policy but people who are serious about the mission,” the source said. “He thinks he’s on a mission from God, and he wants people who are going to give up their lives for the next year, work 18 hour days and leave behind their families to go change the world.”

It’s almost like he has the exact mentality of a cult leader. A cult leader who hasn’t noticed that the cult already has a leader, and isn’t in the market for a new one.

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