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NBA Conference Finals Open Thread


Please for the love of god, do not let the Lakers win this series.

Just a few thoughts here:

First, hard to see this not being Nuggets-Celtics. All respect to the Heat, but they are going to be totally overmatched here. As for the Lakers, I am so angry that they did such an amazing job retooling their shitty team in midseason to create an actual team. It’s not fair! So yeah, they have a real chance here. But the chances of Davis and LeBron staying healthy for another 4-7 games is like….50%?????

Second, Ja Morant is going to be either dead or in prison for murder by the start of the season. It’s so depressing. He’s a middle class kid! He didn’t grow up hard! But in an age where great players are given all the help in the world by the league, the union, and older players to manage their wealth and not be morons, Morant is all in on playing gangster. Sad stuff. Explains plenty about the mentality of the Grizzlies too.

Third, I get firing coaches. Maybe Doc Rivers did underperform with Philly (THE PROCESS!!!!). Maybe even Bud underperformed with the Bucks minus the one title (is that all?). But the Suns firing Monty Williams? Nonsense. Terrible.

Fourth, the NBA is ensuring that Popovich will remain on the sidelines until he becomes Dianne Feinstein with Wembayana going to San Antonio.

Anyway, Nuggets in 6, Celtics in 4.

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