Get this man to a run-down duplex on Wilshire Blvd.
Time for no one’s favorite game – What’s the over-privileged dickhead whining about now?
Today’s subject is famous actor person Richard Dreyfuss. During a recent interview Dreyfuss pissed and moaned about a number of things, including the representation standards issued by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences (the Oscars to its friends).
Your challenge: Guess what else he whined about.
Here’s some James Earl Jones to help you think.
Time’s up!
Everyone who guessed “Not being able to wear blackface” can claim their prize. Which is feeling depressed that once again they weren’t wrong about how ridiculous and awful bigots can be.
“Laurence Olivier was the last white actor to play Othello, and he did it in 1965,” Dreyfuss said. “And he did it in blackface. And he played a black man brilliantly.”
IANAA but I’m pretty sure that Olivier would have done OK without the blackface.
“Am I being told that I will never have a chance to play a black man?”
Not at all.
Like every sack of shit who snivels about being deprived of the freedom to offend marginalized people, Mr. Dreyfuss could “play a Black man” right now if he wanted.
I’m sure there are enough permanently peeved racists out there to fund, produce, act in and attend a production of Othello starring Richard Dreyfuss in blackface. Hell, Chief Twitterer Sone Kulm has enough money to pay for the whole thing and buy a theater on Broadway for the performances.
What Dreyfuss doesn’t like is that wearing blackface would nuke his reputation and expose him to ego-bruising social opprobrium. Wah.
People who post off-topic comments never wash their feet.