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DeSantis goes to war


LGBTQ+ people are a primary, but far from exclusive, target:

1. Allowing physicians to claim a religious exemption if he thinks I ambled into his examination room like Nathan Lane in The Birdcage.

2. Eliminating funds for any educational program designed for Black, women, and queer students. Just as awful: prohibiting courses that “distort significant historical events,” teach “identity politics” or are ‘based on theories that systemic racism, sexism, oppression, or privilege are inherent in the institutions of the United States and were created to maintain social, political, or economic inequities.”

3. Criminalizing a trans citizen’s bathroom choice because legislators as kids gasped when they saw Anthony Perkins as Mrs. Bates in Psycho.

4. Denying transgender children surgeries and hormone therapy.

5. Replacing New College’s governing board with Chaucerian frauds who wouldn’t know Aeschylus from Michelle Malkin.

6. In a relatively uncovered twist, DeSantis and the legislature respond to Hurricane Ian’s impact on homeowners by ensuring they won’t get theirs should they sue insurance companies. This they call “tort reform.” Beware any phrase with “reform” in it (see: Reform, Education).

7. Terrified that their kids might turn out gay and cooler, stupid parents can raise an objection to books they themselves couldn’t finish with an audiotape and a flashlight.

8. Empowering the Department of Education to investigate a teacher for showing the Disney film Strange World to fifth graders because one troglodyte of a parent/school board member objected, despite evidence that she signed a permission slip.

9. Spending Florida taxpayer money on out-of-state border worries as if DeSantis were Eisenhower and the border Little Rock. But then conservatives, as Reagan, Bush II, and Trump proved, love the resources they accuse Democrats of spending.

10. Promising a cataclysm in Florida (the state with the prettiest name!) when the next pandemic claims more lives.

And that’s just this year, It won’t be easy for reporters to portray this fascist psycho as the Reasonable, Moderate alternative to Trump, but I’m sure some will try anyway.

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