CNN Continues Covering Itself in Glory

I don’t know why anyone would ever watch cable news under any circumstances. At best, it offers nothing of value. At worst, it has gone far to destroying the republic.
But since people do, it’s always worth noting that CNN is terrible and has basically always been terrible. Just to make one point.
Everyone clutching their pearls over cnn becoming trump tv must not remember this time of the year in 2003 when the same network was still cheerleading for the bush/cheney war.
— Bob Hutton (@HerecomesDrBob) May 11, 2023
Now, the Beltway had to do its usual thing and protect its accepted people. So with the horrifying Kaitlin Collins being the person “interviewing” Trump last night, the usual suspects did their usual work.
Props to @kaitlancollins who was in an impossible position but did a heroic job of fact-checking Trump throughout the town hall. No easy task given how many factually untrue things he said in such a short time. Collins was a true pro and showed what a stellar journalist she is.
— Peter Baker (@peterbakernyt) May 11, 2023
Wanking motion.
But who is Kaitlin Collins again?
Oh yeah, she is the person responsible for this utter abomination.
this is one of the most absolutely fucked up things I’ve ever seen in media and this is the person who interviewed T***p tonight
— Judd Greenstein (@juddgreenstein) May 11, 2023
I can’t see how CNN couldn’t not hire someone who ranked the hotness of Syrian refugees for the Daily Howler.
Once again, just don’t watch this garbage.