The sex abuse scandal at Nashville’s Covenant school and church being ignored by the national media

I assume our leading newspapers have Google:
The interesting twist to this particular civil case is the allegation that wealthy and influential Covenant Presbyterian Church leaders “unlawfully intimidated” Austin Davis and his family. Specifically, the allegation is that in 2008 Covenant Presbyterian church officials sought to intentionally ruin Mr. Davis’ good name and reputation by falsely accusing him of being ‘mentally unbalanced,’ telling civil authorities, members of the congregation, and others that he was “a security concern” and was “threatening to bring harm to the congregation or its members by use of force, including but not limited to guns.” This slander, according to the allegation, was designed to discredit Austin Davis and to allow church officials to conceal from public view the “heinous and repetitive” sexual molestations of a minor by one of the church’s officers (see Complaints 18-24).
Note that 2008 may well have been the very time that Audrey Hale was attending the school. That certainly seems like the kind of coincidence worth investigating further. Does Hale’s “manifesto” say anything about being sexually abused at the school? We don’t know yet because authorities are apparently dragging their feet about releasing it. Now why would that be?
All this stuff is right out there in the public record, so hopefully our Elite Media will start mentioning it, and possibly even investigating it further.
After the shootings, police will conduct another investigation. If Audrey Hale was molested by a church elder, will the church fully cooperate? Or, as is so common in religous sexual abuse, will Covenant Presbyterian slap a Band-Aid on it and let the rot fester? The usual excuse is that hey, everyone prayed and the victim forgave the abuser. Happy ending!
Or maybe not.