Homeschooling in Michigan
A friend writes:
We have a lot of homeschoolers in my family. There are zero educational requirements in Michigan. They just decide when to say their kids have graduated. They have faith-based math…
Because numbers are apparently too secular. I’m not kidding. The math narrative and story problems are faith based. Even in the home school collectives they go to once a week there is no math education for even the Hs students beyond basic algebra. The one language offered is Latin. I hope the Dems tighten this up in Michigan. The one thing these kids learn the hell out of is bible and grammar. They can diagram the shit out of a sentence. These kids are victims of their parents decisions and we as a society owe them better.
Imagine being so insecure in your beliefs that you have to make sure your curriculum is constantly mentioning and praising God.
I just find it absurd. These same kids have zero social interaction beyond their church circles too. The only college any of them are fit for may be to go to a bible school for some sort of calling to be a pastor or missionary or pastor or missionary’s wife.
I was raised very evangelical, and I find it very disturbing how much more insular they’ve become. My nieces and nephews are on a fast track to working class jobs and marriage in their very early 20’s to repeat the cycle.
I really don’t know anything about this subject, but this sounds pretty disturbing.