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Bari U. invents the visiting guest lecturer


Don’t kid yourself, higher education in America will never be the same after this kind of DISRUPTION:

It is well known that if you tried to assign texts by, say, “Simone De Beauvoir, Joan Didion, Virginia Woolf, and Zadie Smith” at an actual degree-granting university you would immediately be Trigger Warninged into the Woke Gulag until you make your class a Safe Space again. And it is absolutely inconceivable that a thinker a boldly unorthodox as Katie Roiphe could ever get a tenured position at a prestigious university.

Anyway, I’m not sure I really see the innovation in the “discuss some books with a visiting instructor for 15 hours,” but since most the Intellectual Dark Web seems preoccupied with other things like “there are too many trans people nowadays” and “leave Elon Mush allloooooooone” this year’s summer camp if anything offers a slightly better lineup. (No Niall Ferguson!) One tiny step toward a totally proactive new paradigm.

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