The big con

It is well known that one of the core principles of American conservatism is “everything is slavery except slavery, which wasn’t actually that bad,” but this is really taking things to a whole other level. Generic MAGA vlogger is offered a $50 million contract — fifty million dollars — and is OUTRAGED that he was expected to perform work and not be too racist in exchange for this:
FAR-RIGHT YOUTUBER STEVEN Crowder has kicked off a public feud with The Daily Wire after the right-wing news outlet approached him with a measly four-year contract offer worth a pitiful $50 million, and some fiduciary obligations on his part.
On Tuesday, Crowder launched the “Stop Big Con” initiative and accused “conservative media giants” of being “no better than Big Tech” and putting profit over the honest defense of conservative values.
In a video posted to his YouTube channel, Crowder described a period of “free agency” following his departure from The Blaze in December. The host lambasted proposed contracts he received from parties he refused to publicly name, which would require him to actually make content and drive revenue for the company. At no point did Crowder specify the monetary value that had been offered to him, but it didn’t take fans long to analyze context clues and redactions from screenshots Crowder displayed and deduce that the contract Crowder was torching had been offered by The Daily Wire.
Crowder, who had previously lambasted NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick for comparing the league’s contracts to slavery, complained that the proposals floated to him like the one from The Daily Wire were essentially “slave contacts.”
Will Sommer of The Daily Beast pointed out on Thursday in November, around two months after The Daily Wire offered Crowder $50 million, the host publicly supported Kanye West’s claims that Jewish talent executives controlled the entertainment industry through exploitative contracts. Ben Shapiro, the founder and editor of The Daily Wire, is Jewish.
I guess this is the problem when you take the term “wingnut welfare” a little too literally.