Come on, it’s not like he was accused of having ibuprofen or something

Putting the “gross” in “gross negligence”:
In the hours before a 6-year-old boy shot his first-grade teacher in Virginia this month, school leaders were warned three times that the boy might have a gun, a lawyer for the teacher said on Wednesday, including requests from employees to search the boy’s pockets and a report from another child who said that the boy had shown him the gun at recess.
In the fallout of the revelations and already facing mounting pressure from parents and educators, the school board in Newport News, Va., voted on Wednesday night to terminate the contract of the superintendent, George Parker III.
“We’re going to have to become a much more student-disciplined and safety-oriented board and division, and that is potentially going to require a lot of new direction,” said Douglas C. Brown, a board member who had been a supporter of Dr. Parker.
The teacher’s lawyer, Diane Toscano, had announced earlier on Wednesday plans to file a lawsuit against the school district, laying out a series of escalating warnings on the day of the shooting, when a 6-year-old boy took his mother’s gun from home, brought it to Richneck Elementary School and fired at his teacher, Abigail Zwerner.
Look, school administrators need to be focused on real dangers, like children bringing pdfs of Kimberle Crenshaw articles.