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The end of Iowa


The end of two nearly all-white primaries to start the nomination calendar — one of them a stupid, anti-democratic Rube Goldberg process — is long overdue and looks like it’s going to happen:

President Joe Biden has proposed sweeping changes to the Democratic presidential nominating calendar, upending the current primary lineup to include several states that were key to his 2020 win — and breaking with a half-century of precedent that put Iowa at the front of the line.

The co-chairs of the Democratic National Committee’s Rules and Bylaws committee, which has been charged with reordering the primaries that lead off Democratic presidential contests, announced the White House’s preferences to DNC members during a private dinner Thursday night.

The moves would dramatically change the path to the presidency for future Democratic candidates. The proposal would see South Carolina leading off the 2024 primaries on Feb. 6, followed by New Hampshire and Nevada jointly holding their contests the next week, on Feb. 13, followed by Georgia on Feb. 20 and then Michigan on Feb. 27, according to a person who attended the meeting.

Iowa completely botching their caucuses in 2020 was probably the final straw, and excellent. It’s time for some more diverse and urban states that hold actual democratic elections to serve as the opening contests.

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