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Lawless Law Enforcement


The greatest misnomer in society is “law enforcement” since the cops have long ago decided that they are the ones who decide the law. That’s especially true in left-leaning states and cities, where the cops just revolt over anything they don’t agree with. See the entire Bill DeBlasio administration in New York as a great example. Well, in Oregon, rural sheriffs are just openly saying they aren’t going to enforce gun laws.

A growing list of Oregon sheriffs are telling their constituents they won’t enforce voter-approved gun restrictions despite not yet knowing how some aspects of the law will work and not having a clear role in enforcing others.

In a Nov. 9 Facebook post, Linn County Sheriff Michelle Duncan said Measure 114, which 50.7% of voters approved the day before, is a terrible law for gun owners, crime victims and public safety. The measure would require a permit to buy a firearm and ban magazines holding more than 10 rounds.

“I want to send a clear message to Linn County residents that the Linn County Sheriff’s Office is NOT going to be enforcing magazine capacity limits,” Duncan wrote in the post, which as of Friday had been shared 12,000 times and garnered 9,300 comments.

Duncan was soon joined by Jefferson County Sheriff Jason Pollock, Wallowa County Sheriff Joel Fish and Union County Sheriff Cody Bowen who also said they would not enforce the new laws.

Pollock said he believes “the provisions in Measure 114 run contrary to previously decided judicial decisions.” Bowen said the law would also be a drain on resources and called it “another attempt at defunding the police at its finest.”

“To the people who chime in with me picking and choosing which laws I want to enforce or not enforce! Hear this!” Bowen exclaimed in his Facebook post. “When it comes to our constitutional rights I’ll fight to the death to defend them. No matter what crazy law comes out of Salem!”

This, quite frankly, should be illegal and these sheriffs should be charged with crimes if they continue to refuse to enforce the law. They aren’t above the law any more than anyone else. I mean, they are, of course they are. But they shouldn’t be.

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