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How do I get on this blacklist?


Axios has a hilariously credulous new look at Bari Weiss’s new conservative web magazine:

A boldly independent publication that will publish a wide array of people who all agree that the typical assistant professor of English literature is more powerful than Peter Thiel or Sam Alito.

This is my own favorite juxtaposition:

Catch up quick: Weiss left The New York Times as an op-ed columnist in July 2020, arguing she had become a victim of “a ‘new McCarthyism’ that has taken root at the paper of record.” Bowles left The Times shortly after in 2021.


Last year, Marketwatch reported that Weiss made over $800,000 from her newsletter alone, which at the time had 14,000 paid subscribers. The newsletter has more than double that number of paid subscribers today.

Cancel culture: in which your expression of UNORTHODOX VIEWS mean that you can make a lot more money for doing less work.

Meanwhile, it seems like this is pretty much the end of last year’s grift:

The UATX website does not currently provide any concrete plans for any future endeavors. It does, however, have a hilariously pompous video about their two-week summer debate camp which can’t go 30 seconds without name-checking the elite schools the marks students actually attend. Making money by boldly and independently telling alt-right billionaires that they’re right about everything seems a lot easier!

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