British Climate Action

Now this is the kind of climate action I expect from developed nations!
The British government approved on Wednesday the country’s first coal mine in decades, a project promoted as a source of new jobs but which has been criticized as a reversal of efforts to control climate change.
The mine, near Whitehaven on the coast of northwest England, would supply coal for the steel industry in Britain and abroad.
The long-delayed project had been caught up for years in competing pressures on successive Conservative Party-led British governments. The current prime minister, Rishi Sunak, recently spoke at the COP27 climate conference about the need to invest in renewable energy, yet he is also pushing to create jobs in areas of northern England that have elected Conservatives in hopes of bringing economic growth.
The proposal, by West Cumbria Mining, originally called for investing 160 million pounds, or $195 million, in a mine that would create more than 500 jobs. The coal would be used not in power plants, but instead in the making of steel, an industry still heavily reliant on coal.
The mine’s entrance and other facilities will be located on the site of a former chemical plant, while the mine itself will be mostly under the sea.
At least it’s nations such as Bangladesh and Pakistan, former British colonies, that will deal with the brunt of massive climate change-based flooding. Colonialism never dies my friends.