Home / General / Right wing propaganda machine says Republicans can’t win if you make it too easy to vote

Right wing propaganda machine says Republicans can’t win if you make it too easy to vote


Right wing shill Glenn Greenwald:

(1) There’s nothing “brand new” about any of the current voting options. All of the alternatives to in-person election day voting have been around for decades; the pandemic merely accelerated a process of rationalizing voting — by not requiring people to stand in line for hours on election day — that had already been well underway for more than 30 years.

(2) It takes a long time to count votes almost exclusively because of right wing obstruction tactics that make it difficult or impossible to make any early tabulation of the kind of votes that are more likely to favor Democrats, thus allowing for the kind of bullshit “just asking questions” post-election narrative that Greenwald is, in his typically dishonest fashion, engaging in here. (You will be shocked to learn that in the same tweet thread he disavows any intention to imply that this “strange, brand new, and opaque” [sic, sic, sic] voting system may have led to fraudulent outcomes in the election that just broke his so easily purchasable heart).

(3) Candidate concessions have no legal force and are completely irrelevant to the vote tabulation process.

It’s fascinating to see how the entire right wing propaganda system gets its marching orders, and proceeds to parrot the same lies in largely identical language.

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