Looks like we have a DeSantis primary voter!

The father of the Colorado terrorist wishes you to know that he was terrified to hear that his son might be gay but was relieved that he was just a mass murderer:
The Colorado shooter’s dad on finding out his son murdered people: “They started telling me about the incident, a shooting… And then I go on to find out it’s a gay bar. I got scared, ‘Shit, is he gay?’ And he’s not gay, so I said, phew… I am a conservative Republican.” (@CBS8) pic.twitter.com/7Zw4vpLtjE— No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen (@NoLieWithBTC) November 23, 2022
We’re in a dark, dark place here. The normalization of political violence on the American right is increasing rapidly:
Unfortunately, I have covered mass shootings multiple times in my career. This is the first time I can recall getting message after message from viewers like this. pic.twitter.com/w3uPqLERyn— Ashley Michels (@ReporterAshley) November 23, 2022
It’s qualitatively different this time. I think this will be the norm in the post-Rittenhouse era. https://t.co/Hye7IJY75x— Jake M. Grumbach (@JakeMGrumbach) November 23, 2022