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Liz Harris, Republican trailblazer

I think that’s Latin for “Keep Digging”

If you want to picture the future of Republican leadership, imagine a jackbooted clown collecting a paycheck while refusing to do their job, forever.

Arizona Republican Liz Harris said she will not vote on any bills unless the state holds a new election after winning her state legislative race. 

It’s hard to think of something more perfectly Republican than a thickheaded jackass who runs for office, wins the race and then refuses to work unless everyone stops what they’re doing and plays along with their election fraud dipshittery. It’s loud, it’s lazy, it’s going to spread through the party like herpes.

And they don’t need to wait until a Democrat gets a suspicious number of votes (ie more than zero) to pull this stunt. Harris is upset because the incumbent Republican state treasurer was re-elected.

Harris thinks she received too many votes. The Republican state treasurer in question happens to be the first Asian-American woman elected to the Arizona legislature. I leave the reader to connect racist dot A to xenophobic dot B.

Maybe she can join forces with Kari Lake, who has responded to her failed gubernatorial bid with all the dignity we’ve come to expect of the GOP. They can roam around the state accompanied by an intrusion of the best attorneys the promise of payment can buy, yelling FRAUD! while demanding money to fight FRAUD.

The topic is Republican tantrums. Off-topic commenters think Kari Lake is a brilliant political strategist.

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