Goodbye Daylight Savings Time: The Failure of Democracy
Today is of course the very worst day of the year in Stonehengeian terms, as we plunge into semi-eternal afternoon darkness with the return of the loathsome Standard Time.
Earlier this year the Senate passed a bill to make Daylight Savings Time year-round, but for some perverse reason the House has not seen fit to even take up the measure, despite the fact that almost literally everyone hates switching the clocks twice per year, and the vast majority of people would prefer year-round DST over it getting dark at 4:45 in the afternoon for basically all of December and January.
Yes I realize that if you live near the western edge of a time zone year-round DST would mean it would be dark until 8:30 in the morning during those months. Stay in bed or move somewhere else.
Seriously, how is this bill not passing? Is Big Standard Time lurking in the background somehow? The standard excuse about The Farmers is apparently bogus as modern farming doesn’t really require light at a particular time of day, plus there are no farmers any more. (Good title for a Neil Young-Willie Nelson duet).