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People of faith, Fox News grifter edition


I don’t want to shock anybody into literal cardiac arrest this morning, but:

One detail of this vomiting up of every standard right wing talking point that interests me more generally (my interest in Gabbard herself is non-existent as she is about as interesting and unpredictable as a network sitcom; btw the last network sitcom I watched even once was Mad About You, for some reason I don’t recall) is the whole “people of faith & spirituality” formulation.

Throwing “spirituality” in there seems like kind of a cheat, since it includes all the “spiritual but not religious” types, who most of the actual “people of faith” — this of course means right wing Christians — despise because they haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

Speaking of which, isn’t Gabbard herself at least putatively an adherent of Hinduism, and therefore believes in the existence of literally thousands of gods? This is what I’ve never understood about the “people of faith” formulation from the standpoint of even the most minimal standards of intellectual honesty. Speaking of people of faith is about as coherent as speaking of people of politics, as if for example fascists and liberal democrats are united at some fundamental level by the fact that they have strong beliefs about politics, with the further fact that those beliefs are almost completely contradictory treated as some sort of not very important detail, given their common faith in politics.

Nobody talks about people of politics, because the idea is inherently stupid. The idea of people of faith is similarly stupid — everybody is a person of faith, in the sense that everybody operates from axiomatic metaphysical priors, except for Richard Dawkins, who is just purely rational and objective all the way down to the last turtle — but of course “people of faith” not really an idea per se, it’s just some idiotic slogan, meant to make conservative white Christians feel like they’re under some sort of constant massive cultural attack by the godless socialist woke hordes.

BTW Joe Biden goes to Mass every Sunday. Speaking of which, try to imagine Donald Trump leaving the message below to his own drug addicted son:

Now try to imagine Donald Trump caring about another human being.

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