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Now this here’s the story of a man named Vance


I don’t know anything about this outfit but I’m in the mood for some good news:

Center Street PAC (www.centerstreetpac.com), a nonpartisan political action committee, released a new poll of Ohio’s U.S. Senate race today, showing Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan (D) leading Republican J.D. Vance 49% to 38% among likely voters, with 14% undecided. Among registered voters, Ryan leads 43% to 35%, with 22% undecided. 

In Center Street’s early September poll, voter enthusiasm was about even, with 62% of Republican voters saying they were motivated to vote, compared to 61% of Democrats. By the end of the month, Democratic enthusiasm jumped to 67%, while Republicans’ stalled at 62%. 

“It will be interesting to see if Democrats can hold that enthusiasm advantage in Ohio, because they’ll need to, in order for Ryan to win,” said Center Street Co-Founder Jacob Perry. “When you look at registered voters, candidate preference is about the same as in early September. But among likely voters, Ryan jumped five points. That increase comes entirely from Democrats’ motivation to vote, not a surge of excitement about Ryan, specifically.” 

As with other Trump-endorsed candidates, such as Dr. Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania and Blake Masters in Arizona, Ryan’s large preference lead is a function of Democratic candidates’ favorability advantage. In Ohio, 30% of registered voters view Vance as “Very Unfavorable,” compared to 19% who view Ryan as “Very Unfavorable.” 

There’s something about the contemporary Republican party that spits out almost unbelievably bad candidates for things like Senate elections in swing states, not that Ohio was a swing state until this clown came along.

Ranking the very worst in this regard from among the Fake Hillbilly, the Grifter Carpetbagger, and the Brain-damaged Racist’s Fantasy is quite challenging, and you could certainly make an argument for any of them, but I’m warming to the notion that Vance may in the end be this year’s outstanding GOP aspiring senatorial twit.

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