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Marjorie Taylor Greene as Trump’s 2024 running mate?


It’s out there, as Cokie is probably saying somewhere in BothSides purgatory (It’s one of the lesser known cantos. Dante and Virgil come upon David Broder interviewing Colin Powell).

“I have always maintained two things about Greene. The first is that dismissing her as some sort of fringe crazy was a big mistake.” The other, he says, “is that I have this sense that she really does believe the things that she says, no matter how insane they seem, because it’s so hard to tell.”

Draper confirms: “You’re not wrong. She believes enough of it. She’s cognizant of the fact that the attention economy rewards hyperbole. In terms of how to run a winning campaign, she was right then, and she continues to be right now to the extent that in Georgia politics, everyone running for office is trying to be Marjorie Taylor Greene. They’re all competing to be more outrageous than the other and they’re stealing lines from her to the extent that it’s become bothersome to her because now she’s competing not only against herself and whatever outrageous thing she said the day before to gain attention, but she’s competing against her mimics too.”

Draper also confirmed rumors that Greene could be Trump’s running mate in 2024. The idea has been “discussed since February of this year, and it’s been discussed repeatedly. Now, to be fair, I mean, how many of these conversations has Trump had with other people?”

However, what Greene has above the others, Draper says, is that “she has been unflaggingly loyal to Trump throughout. What is Trump concerned about most of all in a VP after the Mike Pence experience? Loyalty. He knows that if he needs someone to fight for him to overturn a presidential election. He has every reason to expect that Greene would be by his side and would be his proximate warrior.”

What’s the harming in humoring these people a little?

See the (conservative) historian of Nazism Hans Mommsen’s idea of “cumulative radicalization.”

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