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How’s Twitter’s new owner handling his latest toy?


About how you would expect if you assume that Elon Musk has always been a parody of a Bond villain, i.e., a parody of a parody (how Meta).

Elon Musk on Sunday gave credence to a fringe conspiracy theory about the violent attack on Paul Pelosi.

The new Twitter owner tweeted a link to an article full of baseless claims about Pelosi. The article was posted on a website that purports to be a news outlet.

Musk, who has 112 million followers on the platform he now owns, posted the baseless story about Pelosi in response to a tweet from Hilary Clinton at 8:15 am ET. He later deleted the tweet around 2 pm, but not before racking up more than 28,000 retweets and 100,000 likes.

You got the Silver?

Verified Twitter users across media and entertainment are responding to reports that they’ll soon have to pay the social media platform to keep their blue checks.

The proposed plan, which would give verified users 90 days to subscribe to the Twitter Blue platform for $19.99, is said to launch on Nov. 7. Many online are – at the very least – skeptical of the plan, while others are telling newly crowned CEO Elon Musk and Twitter to “go f— themselves.”

“I’m probably the perfect target for this,” wrote FiveThirtyEight founder and CEO Nate Silver. “Use Twitter a ton, can afford $20/mo, not particularly anti-Elon, but my reaction is that I’ve generated a ton of valuable free content for Twitter over the years and they can go f— themselves.”

“Not particularly anti-Elon” is at this point more or less like not particularly anti-fascist, also known as objectively pro-fascist.

Wake up sheeple.

I’m not on Twitter, although I’m obviously a free rider in re the platform. What are the ethics of staying on the site going forward?

An amusing side note to this horrorshow is that Musk probably only intended to pretend he was going to buy Twitter at an insanely inflated price, as a kind of Trumpian I can walk away from any contract I sign troll. This somehow reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw in Dallas when the Cowboys hired Jimmy Johnson away from the University of Miami and he promptly went 1-15: “Hey Jimmy: It’s Harder to Win When the Other Guys Get Paid Too.”

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