Highly principled opponent of defaulting on government loan guarantees attacks student loan forgiveness program
Just amazing how none of the reactionaries who have suckled long and hard on the taxpayer’s teat have the good sense to just shut up about Biden’s loan forgiveness program:
This is one hell of a tweet from a guy who became a millionaire playing most of his career in taxpayer-funded stadiums, and then, after retiring, got a $75 million taxpayer-financed loan guarantee for his video-game company, a loan he quickly defaulted on. https://t.co/JqzXZMEJbY— James Surowiecki (@JamesSurowiecki) August 26, 2022
You can just grumble about Brandon’s handouts to the wrong sort of people in private rather than making a total ass of yourself in public! Of course, if he was capable of doing this he’d be in the Hall of Fame now.
The hilarity exists at all levels of the MAGA food chain:
this account always reminds me of the episode of The Simpsons where Bart plays five games of chess at once and loses them all immediately https://t.co/6BeTuvxo55— CHOAM Nomsky (@samthielman) August 26, 2022
Every winger tear makes it so clear why Biden was right to do this.