Second tour without Keith, He can’t play the fills, but he keeps the beat

I cannot go meaningfully beyond Erik’s excellent essay on the latest single from the Paranoid Style, but I definitely want to draw attention to the title track of the previous album:
I found this track remarkable not only because of the way that Elizabeth wove Who lyrics and Who trivia into the song (the Kenny Jones bits especially) but also because a couple months ago the airwaves around here were littered with spots advertising the Return of the Who to Cincinnati After a Forty-Three Year Absence, without ever noting the context of the 43 year absence. On the upside it appears that no one was harmed in the filming of these aging rockers or mods I forget which. I briefly contemplated attending, but discovered that the Who are one of those bands that I’ve pretty much given up any ambitions of ever actually watching live except possibly as a result of free or heavily discounted tickets. Stones and McCartney are also now in that category.
Anyway, buy the danged album and also the other danged albums.