Home / General / If it weren’t for abuser logic, Republicans would have no logic at all

If it weren’t for abuser logic, Republicans would have no logic at all


Susan Collins says that if the Senate majority insists on legislating (to mitigate climate change and to expand access to healthcare) the minority will have no choice but to let same-sex couples have it:

Maine Sen. Susan Collins on Thursday said the deal struck by Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.V, and Senate Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has hampered bipartisan efforts, including hers to codify same-sex marriage.

Collins, a Republican, has been working to move a bill that would shield protections for same-sex marriage should the conservative-led Supreme Court act to overturn past rulings on the topic in the wake of the ruling on Roe v. Wade.

She said that the timing of the deal struck between Manchin and Schumer on what has been dubbed the Inflation Reduction Act “could not have been worse and it came totally out of the blue,” according to HuffPost.

“After we just had worked together successfully on gun safety legislation, on the CHIPs bill, it was a very unfortunate move that destroys the many bipartisan efforts that are under way,” Collins said.

I think everyone is familiar with this particular reasoning:

Another recent example is “Never Trump” Republicans asserting that Trump is actually the fault of Democrats because they did not simply concede the 2012 presidential election once Mitt Romney won (by outflanking the field to the right on immigration in the primaries, making kissy-face with birther-in-chief Donald J. Trump, and then running on his vice presidential nominee’s radical and extremely unpopular economic agenda in the general, but never mind that!):

One could choose to stop bad doing things rather than coming up with elaborate reasons for why it’s other people’s fault that we do bad things, but then the Republican Party would spontaneously combust.

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