An Incorrect Prediction
For many years, I thought if the Supreme Court actually overturned Roe, Americans would rise up and absolutely shut down this nation through massive protests, direct action against the people who caused this monstrosity, etc.
I now see that I was entirely wrong. It seems quite likely that the response today and going forward is going to be…next to nothing. There will be some rallies today and…..great. But then what? Most of those rallies are going to be in blue states anyway. The rallies are needed, but that’s a first day strategy and only a first day strategy.
In fact, it’s highly unlikely it even makes a difference in the midterm elections, not against such key issues as Maddie and Connor having to learn about racism in school and gas being $5 a gallon so I can’t fill up my Escalade for the price I want.
The question becomes, since voting for Democrats is necessary but by no means enough, what are you going to do about it?