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The ethic of life


Let’s check in on the kinder, more compassionate, more child-friendly party Ben Sasse promises us Republicans will turn into now that they will be able to enact fascist abortion policies:

“They are sending pallets, pallets of baby formula to the border. Meanwhile, in our own district at home, we cannot find baby formula.”

— Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.), on social media, May 12

“While mothers and fathers stare at empty grocery store shelves in a panic, the Biden administration is happy to provide baby formula to illegal immigrants coming across our southern border. This is yet another one in a long line of reckless, out-of-touch priorities from the Biden administration when it comes to securing our border and protecting Americans.”

— Joint statement by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) and National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) President Brandon Judd, May 12

Cammack sparked a furor Thursday when she posted photos that compared what she said were stockpiles of baby formula for undocumented immigrants with empty grocery shelves for Americans in local stores. “You see the American government sending by the pallet thousands and thousands of containers of baby formula to the border, that would make my blood boil,” she said.

The Texas governor, along with other Republicans, quickly jumped on the bandwagon, issuing a joint statement with a president of a labor union that represents Border Patrol agents.

Cammack said she was not blaming the babies — “it is not the children’s fault at all” — but she and Abbott blasted the Biden administration for allowing this happen.

The problem is that the Biden administration is following the law — a law that President Donald Trump also followed (though he wasn’t happy about it).

To be Scrupulously Fair Trump might be persuaded to bring his policies more into line with the Republican Ethic of Life (TM) should be be re-elected (or “elected.”) For the uninitiated, the ethic is “life begins at conception and ends at birth.”

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